Information for Teachers



Qkr! - your easy, one-stop payment App - is now live with the Primary Schools Music Festival.

You can now buy choirbags, wristbands, lanyards and pencils directly and have them sent out via your child’s school. They will be addressed to you, care of your child so, providing you can trust them not to open the envelope, it will still be a surprise!

Keep an eye out for notifications that will be sent via the App any time we add something new to the shop.

Follow the instructions below and you’ll be off and clicking in no time 😊

  1. Download the App from the App Store
  2. Search ‘music’ to find Primary Schools Music Festival
  3. You will need to set up a profile for your child when prompted to do so. Teachers can set up a profile with themselves as the student and by selecting Staff in the year level field
  4. When you are ready to start shopping, click on the Merchandise tab and select what you want. Please note; please make purchases in ONE transaction (this minimises our fees)
  5. Totals are calculated automatically, and GST is included in the listed price of the item.
  6. Purchases will be sent to you via your child’s school and should arrive within three weeks of ordering.
Merchandise available on Qkr!