Information for Schools

Concert Availability

Concert Availability - Closed for 2024

This is when you get the opportunity to select which concert you would like your choir to sing in. You MUST select 3 different preferences and one of them MUST be a weekend concert. Complete this form in as best you can.

The concert date includes the Festival Theatre rehearsal and off site (Magic Millions) rehearsal date and time.
For example, if your first preference is Concert 3 on Wednesday 11 September then your off-site rehearsal is Friday 16 August (morning) and your Festival Theatre rehearsal is Wednesday 11 September (afternoon) and concert at 7:30pm.

The off site and Festival Theatre rehearsal that is paired with the concert date MUST BE ATTENDED.

Before you start completing the form:

  • Check the school calendar and see what is happening between 9-20 September
  • Pick 3 different preferences (one must be a weekend)
  • If you wish to perform with another school – make sure you enter the same 3 different preferences as them
  • Know your numbers – participation (students on stage), sopranos and altos, students with behaviour or health issues
  • Ask your choir students if they are in orchestra; troupe; a host or Guest Artist

Filling in the form:

  • Have all the information with you
  • Take your time completing the form
  • Check the form before you submit

After completing the form:

  • Put the 3 different preferences on the school calendar so that nothing is booked to clash
  • Keep the email receipt as this is a copy of your answers
  • If there are any changes let us know a.s.a.p.

Due date: Friday 31 May (end of week 5)

The Concert Grid with your concert and rehearsal dates will be published in week 9, term 2.


Off-Site rehearsals – MAGIC MILLIONS (part of Morphettville Racecourse) are held in Weeks 4 and 5 of term 3.

This is the first rehearsal when the 400 voice massed choir (from a particular concert) will ALL come together with the accompanists, soloists, choreography leaders, hosts, the orchestra and have Robyn or Cathy conducting the entire program.

All metropolitan schools MUST attend the off site rehearsal that corresponds to their concert.

If you are an HPI we encourage you to attend at least one of these rehearsals as a lot of important information is disseminated.