Information for Schools

Riverland Festival

The Riverland Primary Schools Music Festival is part of the Festival of Music, a much older tradition which commenced in Adelaide in 1891. It was originally called the Thousand Voice Choir and the Festival of Music now stands as an official icon of our state.

The Riverland Festival is one of ten regional festivals and is supported by the South Australian Public (Primary) Schools Music Society Inc. and the Department for Education. It is held over three nights with students from twenty-two schools participating from across the Riverland and Mallee. Assisting Artists drawn from schools in the region showcase their talents and add variety to the evening.

Those who participate in music education have their lives enriched and benefit in so many ways. The annual Riverland Primary Schools' Music Festival is a celebration of the success of the excellent music education programs in our schools.

2024 Riverland Festival Concert Dates

Tuesday 20 August - Thursday 22 August
Chaffey Theatre
Seventeenth Street, Renmark, 7.30pm - 9.00pm

Contact Details

Regional Coordinator
Joanna Whitehead -
Rivergum Christian College - Ph 8583 2304

Musical Directors/Choral Conductors
Cheryl Burgemeister - 
Cindy Ridley - 

Assisting Artists' Coordinator
Karen Cash -