Information for Auditions


Troupe Information

Completed Auditions
The Artistic Director, Troupe Manager and coordinators will discuss and finalise the members of the Troupe for 2025. This year there will be ONE large Troupe of a maximum of 80 Year 5 – 8 students, to perform 4 Concerts at the Entertainment Centre. The Concert dates are Monday, 15 September to 19 September. We will be bumping in to the Adelaide Entertainment Centre the week before.
When do we find out who is in the 2025 TROUPE? We will begin sending letters of offer by the end of Term 1. Letters of offer will be emailed out to families, so please ensure all contact details are correct.
If your child is successful in gaining a position in the Troupe they will
 Receive all the information - consent forms, schedules etc.
 It is important that students attend ALL rehearsals and weekend workshops, as stated in the schedule.
 It is at this time that you and your child will need to make the commitment to be part of this wonderful and unique experience, as all rehearsals and workshops are compulsory.
Troupe Rehearsals: - when and where? Troupe rehearsals will commence in Week 2, Term 2 (7 and 8 May). Rehearsals will be at Underdale High School (Performing Arts theatre) on Wednesdays (4:30pm -6:30pm) and Norwood Primary School (School Hall) on Thursdays (4:30- 6:30pm) for Term 2 ONLY.
In Term 3 we will be combining both groups to make the ONE large Troupe at a venue TBC. These rehearsals in Term 3 will be on Thursdays, 4:30 – 6:30pm. It is very important that the Troupe works as ONE troupe for Term 3, as they will be performing together as one for the 4 concerts.
There will also be at least 4 weekend rehearsals, on Sundays, usually from 10:00am – 4:00pm. Venue and actual dates for these weekend rehearsals TBA.
Any Cost?
‘Materials Fee’ of $90 (inc. GST) – cover some of the cost for costumes, props, venue hire plus it also includes a Troupe T-shirt. (Every year a Troupe t-shirt is designed relating to the Commission Work theme etc..)
This is a huge commitment for your child and family, but one that is worth the effort.
We offer the students the opportunity to work with a professional Artistic Director, professional Choreographers and to perform four times at the Adelaide Entertainment Centre!
A unique and unforgettable experience for your child!


The Performance Troupe is the group of students that do the movement to some choir songs during the performances.
Each year we offer a unique opportunity to work with a professional Artistic Director, to develop your performance skills by;
experiencing a variety of dance styles, working in a team, building confidence, resilience and persistence.
All this AND the opportunity to perform at the most prestigious venue in Adelaide, the Adelaide Festival Theatre!

This is an AMAZING experience!! If you love to perform, Troupe is for YOU!!!

Troupe Manager

Maria Stone: Email - 0401 121 065