Information for Schools

Murray Mallee Festival

2024 was the 13th year of the Murray Mallee Regional Festival of Music (MMRFM) with over 160 students participating in two concerts on October 22nd and 23rd. The festival gives Year 4 – 6 students from seven schools across the Murray Mallee region an opportunity to perform together at the Murray Bridge Performing Arts and Function Centre. They also experience musical performances by student guest artists, including students from Murray Bridge High School and the Instrumental Music Service.

To participate in the MMRFM, schools pay an annual participation fee. Each school selects a representative to be part of the committee which generally meets once or twice a term to plan the festival, and to assist with the successful running of the workshop, rehearsals and concerts.

The following schools participated in the 2024: Murray Bridge North School, Mypolonga Primary School, Tailem Bend Primary School, Karoonda Area School, Jervois Primary School, Mannum Community College, and Meningie Area School.

Students audition and are selected to be soloists and comperes for both concerts. Soloists participate in an afterschool workshop and the comperes attended a ZOOM workshop.

All schools combined for a cluster workshop near the end of Term 1 with the State Director of Music, a cluster rehearsal near the end of Term 3 which was led by our conductor, Cathy Miegel, and our accompanist, Peta Davis. Both performance days included a rehearsal in the morning followed by the concert in the evening.

Festival dates 2025
Tuesday 21 - Wednesday 22 October
Murray Bridge Performing Arts & Function Centre, Bridge Street - 7.00pm

Contact Details

Regional Coordinator 
Cathy Miegel -
Karoonda Area School - Ph 8578 1120