What do Hosts do?
Hosts present at Festival of Music concerts. They have clear speaking voices, expressive personalities and create a positive rapport with the audience.
Throughout the year hosts rehearse and film media grabs to help Festival choirs and families know what is happening. Hosts work as a team throughout Terms 2 and 3 to develop skills in the arts of acting and public speaking.
Expectations of Hosts
Hosts must be public school students in years 5 or 6. Hosts are required to attend:
- All workshops, including 3 Sunday dates
- Allocated concert rehearsals and performances
- Fortnightly Thursday rehearsals during Terms 2 and 3 from 4:15pm to 6:00pm.
Country students attendance can be negotiated.
Qualities of a Host
Commitment, confidence, self-discipline, enunciation, energy, flexibility, and expressiveness. Hosts must be team players.
A $90 materials fee will be charged which includes a rehearsal/filming hoodie.
Can I be in the Orchestra or Troupe and be a Host? No
Do I have to be in my school choir to be a Host? No
Does my school have to have a choir? No
Can I be Host and sing with my choir? While we endeavour to make this happen, Hosts will not be able to sing with their school choir if they are allocated the same concert as a Host. If this happens Hosts will be offered another night to sing in the choir.