Information for The Songs

Commissioned Work: Old Music New Life - The Bee Bop

Commissioned Work: Old Music New Life 

These 5 songs have been specially selected from the Commissioned Works that the Festival of Music bring life to. These songs are usually only sung once by the Festival Choirs, and never again – until now! Here are some of the favourites since 2000, and as we are now 25 years into the 21st Century, let’s celebrate by giving ‘new life’ to some ‘old music’.

The Bee Bop

From 2016 “Mission Possible”.
Words and Music by R. Habel. Arranged by G. Lehmann.

Bees are Unbeeeeelievable! They are EXTREMELY important to us and to our planet. One in three mouthfuls that we eat are due to the pollination of plants performed by bees.
In Australia our bees are now under threat from the Varroa mite – it has been found in NSW, and Victoria but NOT YET in South Australia, which the experts say is only a matter of time!
We all need to think and act in ways which will protect the bees AND our natural environment.
How can we help? Start by growing a flower to save a bee today!
Did you know… the oldest bee sanctuary on the planet is on Kangaroo Island where you’ll find the purest strain of Ligurian bees in the world!

This is such a funky song with a very important message. Sing with your light voice and a bouncy body – just like the bees as they move from plant to plant. Can you imagine how the ‘waggle dance’ might look on stage?

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