Information for Schools



How to order Festival T-Shirts

Choir T-Shirt Orders have gone online!

  1. Step 1 - collect school student/adult size information (and payment).
  2. Step 2 - visit - then click on the Festival of Music logo to take you to the orders page.
  3. Step 3 - place your size information and make payment using a credit card. Purchase Orders are no longer accepted.
  4. Step 4 - t-shirts will be delivered to the school.

Note: A $10 delivery fee will be charged on all orders.

Schools MUST place a school order before the cut off dates as per below.

T-Shirts $12 each. Available sizes attached.


First Order - Place orders NO LATER than Friday 07/03/25 (T1 WK6) for delivery in week ending Friday 04/04/25 (T1 WK10)

Second Order - Place orders NO LATER than Friday 16/05/25 (T2 WK3) for delivery in week ending Friday 20/06/25 (T2 WK8)

Third (final) Order - Place orders NO LATER than Friday 04/07/25 (T2 WK10) for delivery in week ending Friday 22/08/25 (T3 WK5)


T-Shirt Order Portal 


What is the Off Site Rehearsal


Off-Site rehearsals – held at the Adelaide Entertainment Centre, Theatre.

Concerts 1 and 2 will rehearse on Tuesday 19 August.
Concerts 3 and 4 will rehearse on Wednesday 20 August.

This is the first rehearsal when the 1200 voice massed choir (from a particular concert) will ALL come together with the accompanists, soloists, choreography leaders, hosts, the orchestra and have Robyn and Cathy conducting the entire program.

All metropolitan schools MUST attend the off site rehearsal that corresponds to their concert.

If you are an HPI we encourage you to attend at least one of these rehearsals as a lot of important information is disseminated.