Information for Schools


The Primary Schools Music Festival holds 2 conferences each year. It is expected that all schools affiliated with the Adelaide Festival MUST be represented at both conferences.

Conference One

Conference 1 running over 2 days provides Choir Teachers with an overview of each song in the repertoire with an in depth view of some song aspects.

Thursday 6 February and Friday 7 February - Week 2, Term 1, 2025.
Christian Family Centre, Seaton, 185 Frederick Road, Seaton.

All schools affiliated with the Adelaide Festival must be represented.

Non Department for Education staff please register with Kristin -

Always was always will be (1.878 MB)

TRT Affiliation is offered in Term 4 for the following year

Please fill in the form to register your interest for Festival of Music TRT work in 2025. The registration cost is $90, payment options are below. Payment details are on the form. 

Extra people wishing to attend Conference

If you are interested in attending our conferences please contact us. You will receive a separate invoice after the conference.

Fees for extra personnel are as follows:

Conference 1 – Thursday and/ or Friday - $180.00

Conference 2 – Term 2, Week 1 Friday 2 May - $80.00

* All charges attract 10% GST

Country Conferences

Country conferencesare offered in Term 1 in regional areas on a Saturday.   All 2025 Dates and Venues TBC.

Riverland - Monash PS - Saturday 15 February (week 3). 9:00 to 3:00pm.

South East - Naracoorte South PS (TBC) - Saturday 15 February (week 3). 9:00 to 3:00pm.

East of the Ranges/Port Pirie - Port Pirie West PS - Saturday 1 March (week 5). 9:30 to 3:30pm.

Whyalla - Fisk Street PS - Saturday 1 March (week 5). 9:00 to 3:00pm.

Conference Two

Conference 2 is an opportunity to work on any changes to the repertoire, focus on tricky bits and add polish for final performance.

Week 1, Term 2, Friday 2 May 2025.
Christian Family Centre, Seaton, 185 Frederick Road, Seaton.

All schools affiliated with the Adelaide Festival must be represented.

Register on Plink (Registrations closed).

Non Department for Education staff please register with Kristin -

Extra people wishing to attend Conference

If you are interested in attending our conferences please contact us. You will receive a separate invoice after the conference.

Fees for extra personnel are as follows:

Conference 1 – Thursday and/ or Friday - $180.00

Conference 2 – Term 2, Week 1 Friday 2 May - $80.00

* All charges attract 10% GST