Information for The Songs

J'entends Le Moulin

J'entends Le Moulin (I Hear the Windmill)

Traditional French Canadian Folk Song.
Arranged by E. Crocker.

This is a folk song originating from the province of Quebec, in Canada, which was originally settled by French explorers in the 1600s. The French influence is still strong today, with most
people in Quebec speaking French and celebrating French culture. The song has been known in some French provinces since at least the 1880‘s.
The lyrics and melodies of the song beautifully mimic the spinning motion of the four arms of the windmill, as they harness the power of the wind …“tique tique taque”
Windmills have been used for centuries in many cultures.  More recently, windmills (or wind turbines) generate electricity which can be converted into renewable and sustainable energy.
The repetitive nature of the song is quite typical of many folk songs, and this one is full of energy and joy and should be sung with enthusiasm.
So, polish up your French accents and enjoy singing a few lyrics in French.

Learn this song with care and accuracy, the audience will love hearing your beautiful voices accompanied by just the piano!

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