Information for The Songs

I Must Clean My Room

I Must Clean My Room

Words and Music by K. Ruhle.

How clean is YOUR room? Sometimes you REALLY need to clean your room BUT … are you one of those people who always has an excuse – you’re too busy, you ran out of time, you’ve got too much homework …or you’re too tired? 
This is a fun song about how sometimes we can find all the excuses we possibly can to NOT tidy up our room – even though it is a “mess-ter-piece of epic proportions!
The composer, Katherine Ruhle, is an early childhood music teacher who lives right here in Australia and loves playing the piano, singing, composing and … she says working with students is fun!

We sing this song with only a piano accompaniment. Listen to how ‘classical’ the piano music sounds. Can you sing it with posh vowel sounds to match the style of music?

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